Thursday, April 19, 2007


We got the results from quant #3 today. We're at nearly 600! So, that's up from 28 on Friday to 158 on Monday to nearly 600 on Thursday. We're feeling good, for now, and our doctor is very excited. Maybe we'll get some sleep tonight...


Anonymous said...

I have no idea what a quant is, but 600 is clearly good news. I'm happy that you are feeling good and can relax a bit!

Grasshopper said...

woo-hoo! I'm doing the happy dance! Happy happy joy joy! :)

Anonymous said...

i just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to congratulate you guys. 600 sounds like a strong singleton so no worries about all of the twin coincidences most likely ; )- we have one and as wonderful as she is, believe me it's enough to handle at one time!