Saturday, April 14, 2007


I don't know if it's a sign or what, but...

Last night, R and I were eating at a restaurant outside on the deck. During the course of an hour, about five different families, all with twins, sat down to eat. They weren't together, either; it was just random. Then, just before we were leaving, a family with identical triplets showed up. I swear, neither of us had ever seen that many multiples, ever. After dinner, we headed back to our side of town to stroll the bookstore together. As we walked up the sidewalk to go into the store, we saw more twins! It was just comical. Then, this morning, R was making breakfast. She cracked open several eggs and each egg had a double-yolk (twins!).

What should we make of that?!


Milla said...

That's awesome. I'd be all over that!

Merr said...


Anonymous said...

Ha! As a Mom of twins, I can tell you the first year is HARD, but then it gets fun! Best of luck!

Unknown said...

sounds like you may be having twins> watcha think?

Amanda said...

Wow. i am a true believer in signs...that is pretty darn freaky.

Holly said...


(Sorry I'm so late to the news flashs on your blog - Congrats again!)

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I got a good laugh out of this. You are destined to have your hands full.