Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We saw our doctor yesterday for the last of our once-a-month checkups (from here on out, we’ll go every two weeks for a while and then once a week until Button comes). R had to take a one-hour glucose tolerance test and a urine test. We won’t have the blood work results back for a couple of days, but the urine test was instant and sugar-free (gee, sounds like I’m talking about a beverage or something).

Both the nurse and the doctor measured R with the measuring tape and she’s measuring at 29 weeks, not 27 weeks as she should. Dr. A said she wouldn’t record it as officially two weeks ahead of schedule just yet. She wants to wait until our appointment on October 8th to check it again.

We got to hear Button’s heartbeat and although I can’t recall the exact number, it was high and her heart sounds really strong! Dr. A wants R to put on at least 10 more pounds between now and delivery. Now that the third trimester is upon us, it shouldn't be too hard for R to do.


Holly said...

I wish my doctor gave me the task of putting on 10 more lbs!! LOL!!
Congrats on 27 weeks! The button will be here in no time!

Truck Driver Wife said...

Almost time :)