Monday, February 12, 2007


Which blog service is your favorite and why? I'm especially interested to hear from you folks out there who have switched from Blogger to WordPress. Was the transition smooth and are you pleased with the switch? etc, etc, etc...


Anonymous said...

I use typepad. It's not the cheapest but it has reasonable interaction design and is pretty stable.

mintyfaglady said...

This doesn't really fit with what you're asking, but my absolute favourite thing is Bloglines - I'd never manage to keep up with everyone without it. Couldn't resist giving it a plug!

Melody said...

Several years ago I had my own blog on Blogger. Back then I couldn't seem to keep up with it, so I went inactive some time in 2003. Then last year (I think) Vanessa started up a Wordpress blog and gave me write access on it. I love it. I find Wordpress much more robust than Blogger, but I'm also using a much newer version of Wordpress than I used of Blogger.

Anonymous said...

I just moved to Wordpress, the transition took less than 5 minutes and was soooo easy (of course Trista had to tell me how, but that's another story).

So far I like it much better. I am still learning how to do certain things, and at times that is frustrating, but this is true with any new program. I like the layout much better and I love the categories. Blogger has labels, but it's just not the same.