Sunday, December 09, 2007


Only a few days left until we meet Button on the 13th! We're both so anxious and excited, we can hardly stand it. I can't sleep due to all of the excitement and R is so physically miserable, she's just dying to get Button out of there!

R is around 5cm dilated and is fully effaced. She's had quite a few contractions, which she describes as "period cramps" accompanied with back pain and the like. I don't know that it's quite Braxton-Hicks, as she's been having those for a long time and she says these feel different. Also, she says her hips hurt a lot, which I'm guessing is her body's way of preparing for birth. Anyway, she really could go into labor any day, so we might see Button before the 13th. How exciting!


Kim aka Mommy said...

Can't wait to see Button!

R said...

Oh how exciting!! Only 3 more days but of course the big day could even come today :) Sending you lots of positive energy for a "happy" delivery :)

Merr said...

Holy cow! It's happening soon. I can't believe she is already 5cm, only 5 more to go!! Yay!

Hope said...

How exciting! I can't wait.

Truck Driver Wife said...

Around 5 already? Heck the hard part is getting to 5. Praying for an easy speedy labor for you. Hope things go as planned.