Saturday, February 18, 2006


Someone recently came to us about a baby that needs a home. A young couple are expecting a baby in about eight weeks and they're looking for a preferably Vegan family to adopt their child. We threw our names into the ring, even though we're not even vegetarian. While we're not overly hopeful that this will happen, it just seemed a little odd that this fell at our feet at this time.

In other baby news, we have our first real baby doctor appointment on our anniversary, which is this coming Friday, the 24th. I am so excited to finally get this moving along a little bit. I realized the other day that it was past my target due date for next year and possibly this time next year we will have our own little wiggly bundle of joy. Of course, one can only hope! We plan to start insemination in April and with all of my tracking and calculating, it looks like I have settled into a perfect 28-day cycle -- who knew?! I'm trying not to get my hopes up because this doesn't happen the first time for anybody, but hey, I'm not just anybody. It's possible.

We're starting to get to know another couple who are trying to have a baby, which is nice. They're more on the adoption track than the fertility track, but it's nice to have someone to talk to.


kiles1670 said...

I wish you both luck.
we feel pregnant on our first go. we are very lucky. so there is always hope. :-)

kiles1670 said...

I wish you both luck.
we feel pregnant on our first go. we are very lucky. so there is always hope. :-)

kiles1670 said...

I wish you both luck.
we feel pregnant on our first go. we are very lucky. so there is always hope. :-)

kiles1670 said...

I wish you both luck.
we feel pregnant on our first go. we are very lucky. so there is always hope. :-)

Estelle said...

Well I hope it works out, either way. Interesting about the other couple. And woo hoo on the 28 day cycle! Can't get much better than that!

Estelle said...

Oh, and it happened the first time for us.
Okay, it was five years in the making, but each time she got pg it happened the first time. The 'first time' with Charlie was the last hurrah... after four losses, we were gonna give it one more go round and then try to adopt from the GA foster care system. But, first time again, and this time it stuck. So it does happen on the first time. Not for everyone, but for some.

Katie said...

It's good to have someone else to talk with who's trying to do what you are doing. We have a little lesbian mom TTC group, and I love it.

How was the doctor?

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

I ran across your journal through theothermother - just wanted to say hey and let you know that I'll be reading!

My partner and I tried to adopt for a little over a year and it was so heartbreaking for us - we did an at home insemination in December and got pregnant the first time!

I'd love to talk more with you....*waves*