Sunday, August 26, 2007


How many of you out there have or had leaking breasts early on in your pregnancy? Yesterday, R was taking a nap and when she woke, her breasts were leaking! Some clearish liquid came out of one and straight-up milk came out of the other. We were like, what the heck?! It wasn't much, though -- not enough to start feeding or anything like that, but still!

I hit the internet immediately, which confirmed this was normal, and R put in a call to the doctor, who also confirmed it's normal. It's not that we mind the leaky breats, but we wanted to make sure this wasn't a sign of something wrong. Apparently, some women start to produce as early as four months into pregnancy, while others don't start until after birth. R happens to be one of the early ones at not quite six months along.

As the doctor said, the bad news is that it will continue for the rest of her pregnancy and the flow could increase from the few drops she has now to something more intense. The good news is that she will be a milk factory and not have any trouble breastfeeding.


  1. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Oh, yes...mine came in the day that my son was born. I LOVED breastfeeding and he has not been sick at all. No ear infections and all of that stuff, I believe, because I breastfed for 16 weeks. Buy breastpads and see how long you can freeze breastmilk b/c they will get sore and heavy if they get really full already. Wow you are lucky!

  2. My first child they came in after he was born. The second and third came in like 4 months or so. Should try to pump now if it comes in all the way and freeze. Good luck.

    BTW Love the quilt.

  3. That happened to me too! I went to the doctor and was embarrassed to ask but did anyway. It was very weird to be leaking and not even have a baby yet. Sum would call me "mucka lucka leaky boob!" She had a good time with that one.

  4. Oh yeah... that happens...

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I had colostrum leaking toward the end of my pregnancy. Just make sure R gets some breast pads - it's not so much fun to be out in public with big milk wet spots on your shirt!

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Yeah, it was almost as fun as the occassional leaking I still have...2 years after weaning. Hopefully that does mean she wont have any problems with breastfeeding.
